圖文提供:ZZ Media 輝照傳媒
The world of solitude is like this: slow pace, firm essence, clear spirit, spacious demeanor, broad embrace, offering a bowl of wisdom spring to the soul.
——Sixteen Perspectives on Southern School Painting
揚州,自古繁華,也自古溫柔,一首《揚州慢》道盡這座城最曼妙的姿態。 揚州人總是悠然地生活,任世間熙攘,它靜靜做自己,讓懂的人懂,讓世界是世界,揚州是揚州。
Yangzhou, renowned for its ancient prosperity and enduring gentleness, is eloquently portrayed in the Song Poetry "Slow Life in Yangzhou". Yangzhou people have always embraced a leisurely life amidst the bustling world around them. Remaining true to itself, Yangzhou allows those who understand to appreciate its essence, distinguishing it as Yangzhou, independent and unique in its own right.
以園養園 偶涉成趣
Nurturing gardens with gardens, occasional strolls lead to amusement
This essence also exists in its garden views, as exemplified by the Slender West Lake, which integrates stones, forests, towers, bridges, solitude, dreams, quietness, and grace. With gardens within gardens and scenes unfolding within scenes, it creates a realm where "Both banks are adorned with flowers and willows, closely following the water, while towers and terraces line the path all the way to the mountains."
在瘦西湖兩岸鱗次櫛比的大小宅園中,「趣園」更是別致所在——春之滴翠,夏之蔥茏,秋之明淨,冬之風雪,一步一樓榭,閱盡四時風華。 乾隆六下江南,更是曾四次到此處賞玩,留下“偶涉亦成趣,居然水竹鄉”的詠歎。
Life's leisurely joys always transition from the profound to the subtle:
In the depths, clarity abounds; at the surface, a sense of elusive ease.
On the banks of the Slender West Lake, amidst the array of grand estates, "Qu Yuan" stands out as a unique gem. Here, you'll witness the lush greenery of spring, the vibrant growth of summer, the crisp clarity of fall, and the serene beauty of winter. Each step unveils a new pavilion, allowing you to experience the splendor of all four seasons. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty visited Jiangnan six times, with four visits to this very spot. His poetic musings, "Occasionally stepping into it becomes interesting," inspired the name "Qu Yuan" (where "Qu" translates to "Fun" or "Interesting", and “Yuan” means “Garden” in Chinese).
趣園賦 新生力
隨時代變遷,「趣園」起落沉浮,如今濃縮了一座城的生活掠影,人們來此喝早茶、聽揚州評話、逛煙火集市...... 將時光磨成日常的調味,慢慢地雕琢出精緻細膩的中國味。
光隨影動 室內遊園
經典的趣園茶社之外,園中更賦新生,由新派淮揚菜領軍人物陳萬慶主理的「趣園PLUS」悄然佈局。 與古典園林一脈相承的景觀,映襯簡約大氣的現代建築,待時光延伸,更生長成揚州城中年輕化生活方式的代表。
The Energetic Renewal of Qu Yuan
With the changing times, Qu Yuan has witnessed fluctuations. Today, it encapsulates a glimpse of urban life, where people gather to enjoy morning tea, listen to Yangzhou Pinghua (a local folk art performed in the Yangzhou dialect), and stroll through bustling markets. Time has become the seasoning of our daily lives, slowly refining the delicate flavors of Chinese culture.
Light and Shadow Dance: Indoor Garden Exploration
In addition to the classic Qu Yuan Tea House, the garden has embraced new vitality. Led by the pioneering figure of contemporary Huai Yang cuisine, Chen Wanqing, "Qu Yuan Plus" quietly emerges. The landscape, rooted in the tradition of classical Chinese gardens, harmonizes with the sleek and elegant modern architecture. As time passes, it is poised to evolve into a symbol of youthful lifestyle in the city of Yangzhou.
靜能了群動 空能納萬境
設計師劉道華則將「遊園」的趣致貫入室內設計中,讓來客升起徘徊山林、素然探幽的雅興。 東方古典神韻如此這般於室內外交融,室外盎然生機,室內幽境香影,用無形為有形勾勒出靈魂的棲地。
Tranquility Embraces Dynamic Movements, Emptiness Holds Myriad Realms.
Designer Liu Daohua has infused the charm of garden strolls into the interior design, allowing visitors to evoke the pleasure of leisurely exploring mountain forests and serene solitude. The classical oriental essence seamlessly merges indoors and outdoors, where the exterior exudes vitality and lushness, while the interior emanates tranquility. Through intangible elements, a tangible habitat for the soul is delineated.
設計公司:LDH劉道華建築設計事務所( (www.ldhdesign.cn)